What are the best beauty and health tips for avoiding chapped lips?

One of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent and treat dry lips is to apply a reliable lip balm throughout the day. Lip balms can be composed of a variety of materials, such as beeswax, petroleum, or some type of oil, designed to form a moisture barrier on the lips. As a result, applying a lip balm helps you retain lip moisture and keep negative forces at bay. Generally speaking, the best lip balms contain sunscreen (SPF) to protect lips from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, as well as vitamins and nutrient-rich compounds to help regenerate tissues.

Your dermatologist can help you choose the type of lip balm that's right for your skin. His areas of interest include diet, fitness, chronic and infectious diseases, oral health, biotechnology, cancer, positive psychology, caregiving, problems related to the final stage of life, and the intersection between environmental health and individual health. When winter comes, many of us have chapped, dry, irritated and flaky lips, caused by inflammation and alteration of the outer layer of the skin, says Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in the dermatology department at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.

To avoid these effects and sun damage in general, limit your time spent in the sun and be sure to apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of the skin, including lip balm that contains sunscreen on the lips. Dry and chapped lips are generally caused by irritating environmental exposures, such as saliva and lip licking, spicy foods, and cold, dry weather, notes the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). The common cold and sun damage can also cause lips to become too dry and chapped, as can medications, such as cholesterol-lowering agents, says Dr. With the following tips for great lips, you can help eliminate annoying dry lips and other symptoms. The skin on the lips is prone to cracking, and chapped lips that are left untreated can bleed and cause pain and stinging.

He has been writing for more than 15 years and can present complicated health topics at any reading level. Low thyroid function can lead to dry mouth and lips, and deficiencies in B vitamins or low levels of zinc or iron have been reported to cause lips to crack, she adds. If bleeding is frequent and home treatment doesn't help, visit your doctor, who may prescribe more advanced treatment and perform tests if you suspect that chapped lips are a symptom of a medical condition. So what can be done to avoid this arid issue? Here are five tips for preventing dry and chapped lips this season and beyond. He graduated from Trinity University and has a master's degree in public health from Tulane University.

Helen Max
Helen Max

Extreme internet nerd. Subtly charming bacon fan. Avid social media junkie. Infuriatingly humble pizza specialist. Total bacon junkie. General pop culture fanatic.

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